
I have studied holistic and Swedish massage in Abingdon College in 2002. I set up my practice soon afterwards and started developing a regular client base.

I have attained a diploma in anatomy and physiology from Oxford school of massage.

I have studied advanced thai massage stretches and no hands massage.

I have developed my practice with a range of slow and coordinated breathing movements designed to deal with more reluctant points of tension and disease in the body. I have dealt with cases of back issues, trapped nerves, sciatica, localized stress, low mood , phibromialgia and just tiredness or lymphatic drainage.

I am familiar with trigger point and deep tissue release for pain and acke release and like to apply it slowly and with coordinated breathing to allow the body to fully relax.

I have built my practice by dealing with ordinary injuries and issues that the ordinary man woman faces in their working lifes. I believe part of the healing is the individual’s perception and awareness of how their posture or practice affects their health or holding of tension and disease, therefore by experiencing my slow and coordinated breathing massage they become aware of better ways of releasing tension in the body.

With massage and healing I have dealt over the years with both physical and psychological discomfort and found massage essential for returning the body and psyche to a optimal and healthy way of functioning.